Hasso Krull

Country: Estonia
Language: Estonian
Year of birth: 1964

Hasso Krull is one of the most important writers and thinkers to emerge from Estonia since the country regained independence in 1991. Among his numerous books of poetry are Talv (Winter, 2006); and Neli korda neli (Four Times Four, 2009). Krull’s poetry is strongly rooted in the Estonian landscape, but reaches far beyond regional concerns due to its attention to the details of modern life and the intellect of the poet. In recent years, Krull has been strongly attracted to mythologies, creation stories and cosmology. With an extremely light hand, Krull crafts poems that seem straightforward and accessible but have a remarkable depth upon close study.

Read poems by Hasso Krull on Poetry International Web.

Wed 16 June, 19.15 hrs, foyer; 21.30 hrs, small auditorium